Sunday, October 7, 2007

erlang-base-hipe.deb don't contain native compiled modules

When I measured Caoyuan and my Wide Finder Project solution I found my binary solution faster than list, but Caoyuan measured reverse result. Then I looked why. Caoyuan is using MacOS X and I'm using Debian. I don't know if MacOS port of erlang has base modules native compiled (with HiPE) but I looked on my debian's:
5> proplists:get_value(compile, lists:module_info()).
There isn't native option. If MacOS port is native compiled there can be this unexpected difference. I have tried to create my own erlang-base-hipe package from source one, but I don't know how to put the option on into the making process. I have tried: debian/rules configure-hipe but it didn't work so I searched where is native option used.
$ grep -r +native .
./lib/asn1/src/Makefile:ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS += +native
./lib/megaco/src/app/ += +native
./lib/megaco/test/Makefile:ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS += +native -Dmegaco_hipe_special=true
./lib/megaco/examples/meas/Makefile:ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS += +native
./README:       erlc +native Module.erl
Then I tried
export ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS=+native
It didn't affect binary-erlang-base and only generated warning message, but during binary-erlang-base-hipe error occured.
erlc -W  +native +debug_info +debug_info +debug_info +warn_obsolete_guard -I/home/hynek/work/erlang-11.b.5dfsg/lib/stdlib/include -o../ebin yecc.erl
./yecc.erl:none: internal error in native_compile;
crash reason: {undef,[{hipe,compile,
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/hynek/work/erlang-11.b.5dfsg/lib/parsetools/src'
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/hynek/work/erlang- 11.b.5dfsg/lib/parsetools'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/hynek/work/erlang-11.b.5dfsg/lib'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hynek/work/erlang-11.b.5dfsg'
Then I tested if yecc can be compiled native and it can be.
3> c("/usr/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-", [native, {i, "/usr/lib/erlang/lib/stdlib-1.14.5/include/"}, {outdir, "."}]).
4> proplists:get_value(compile, yecc:module_info()).                                                                                    
yecc (and almost all other modules) can be native compiled, but I don't know how to do it. I'm totally messed up by debian packaging system and don't know what dpkg-buildpackage does. It's difficult to do it with installed version because many packages need some special compiling options at least {i,"/usr/lib/erlang/lib/stdlib-1.14.5/include/"} for included .hrl files and so. I will be glad if anyone give me some advice how to make package with native compiled modules or how to recompile only modules from source package to make some workaround.

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